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Network Cloud Transformation – The Path Forward for CSPs

Network Cloud Transformation – The Path Forward for CSPs

Every Communication Service Provider (CSP) leader recognizes the need to drive innovation and fund new initiatives while reducing costs through a combination of network cloud transformation and IT modernization. MeriTalk, in partnership with Dell Technologies, surveyed 450 executives from a mix of large and medium CSPs across North America, Europe, and Asia/Pacific to gauge:

  • ­Transformation drivers and roadblocks
  • Open network architecture benefits
  • Network transformation progress/status
  • ­The technologies shaping the future

Join us to discuss these insights. We’ll be covering a wide range of top-down cloud transformation issues, including:

  • ­Managing legacy frameworks as networks evolve to the cloud
  • ­Expanding edge data capabilities
  • ­AI models and considerations
  • ­­Cybersecurity reinforcement
  • ­Emerging technology adoption
  • ­Smartly leveraging ecosystems and partners
  • ­Executive buy-in and strategic alignment

Panelists include:

  • Caroline Boyd, Principal, MeriTalk [moderator]
  • Manish Singh, Chief Technology Officer, Telecom Systems Business, Dell Technologies
  • León Taiman, Global Practice Lead, Telecom & Edge, Dell Technologies

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For more information, please contact telecom@meritalk.com.

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Dell Technologies