
What Some are Predicting for the Edge in 2024

When spring rolls around each year, there’s no shortage of opinions on hot trends for the coming year. Recently two industry experts shared their predictions for networks and edge computing.

Writing for The Fast Mode, Vivek Vijay of Kyndryl Consult outlines what he sees as five network and edge trends to watch in 2024.

  • He sees an increase in integrated wireless between public networks and private 5G networks where mobile workers can enjoy seamless connectivity with secure, cost-effective low latency connectivity regardless of their location.
  • As more computing and data processing shifts to the edge, a higher premium is being placed on flexibility for enterprises and telecom networks as they seek improved latency and greater efficiency.
  • Vijay predicts AI will improve efficiency, operations and safety, citing the manufacturing use case where processes can be streamlined, and defects can be resolved quickly to enable deployment of more advanced safety tools for front-line workers.
  • He reminds that the migration to the cloud also helps advance sustainability goals. Cloud computing lowers hardware and operating maintenance costs, and also reduces carbon footprint by optimizing energy consumption and the use of natural resources (such as water requirements for data centers.)
  • On the cybersecurity front, he predicts even greater collaboration between network teams as digital transformation evolves, resulting in more robust security postures.

In another emerging trends story, Bineesh Mathew, who writes extensively on cyber, emerging technologies and digital issues for Enterprise Talk, recently released his predictions for edge computing trends for 2024.

Chief among the aspects of edge computing his story focused was the role 5G is playing in fueling edge transformation, where low latency and high bandwidth allow for real-time data processing and decision-making. That’s paving the way for breakthrough applications in the future such as remote surgery and autonomous vehicles. He also sees a rise in smaller, edge data centers and increased edge-to-cloud interoperability accelerating in 2024.